Selasa, 28 April 2020

Because Covid-19 Budget Damaged Road Repair in Lengkong Sukabumi was postponed Residents of Langkapjaya Village, complained about the condition of the connecting district road between Langkapjaya Village and Cilangkap Village, Lengkong District, Sukabumi Regency. His complaint was revealed through a posting on the social media account (Medsos) Facebook (FB) Alex Hendra. In his post, Alex Hendra,

wrote about his longing for a beautiful and comfortable road access. The reason, according to him when confirmed, Saturday (4/25/2020) through the message messengger, the road was abandoned for a dozen years.

"The regency road has been running for almost 15 years without official service. Hopefully the relevant agencies can hear the screams of Langkapjaya villagers and immediately improve the district's road access,"

he explained. Regarding this matter, the Head of Langkapjaya Village, Mimin Mintarsih, confirmed that the people who posted the condition of the district's roads were posting. According to him, a connecting road between the village of Patok Besi-Joglo has been proposed, even since February 2020, before the outbreak of the Covid-19 or Corona Virus.

"Mr Kadis and UPTD Public Works Region V Central Jampang have also conducted a survey. Plans to carry out repairs earlier this year. But there is Covid Pandemic 19. So Mr. Kadis asked the public to be patient,"

he explained. He explained that the damage to the district road occurred along 6 kilometers, starting from Kampung Joglo-Lebak Jero, Langkapjaya Village. Previously, he continued, in 2014 the segment had been repaired. But only 1,000 meters long, in Palasari-Cijulang village,

but at the moment the condition is the same as being damaged. Besides the asphalt has peeled off, added Mimin, only the rocks and some of the soil were muddy. "Earlier this morning we had communicated with the head of the Central Java Region V UPTD PU, he conveyed that he was in the process, and hope to be patient because of the current conditions,"

he concluded. Meanwhile, Head of the Public Works Department (DPU) of Sukabumi Regency, Asep Japar, explained that the repairs to the segment had already been included in this year's budget. But because there was a Covid-19 outbreak and a budget shift plan, the program was postponed first. "Hopefully the plague quickly passes and the road is damaged a dozen this year can be fixed immediately," he said

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